Rustins Danish Oil - 2.5 Litre
Rustin's Danish oil gives an oil finish, suitable for all types of wood. It differs from Teak Oil in that it contains special ingredients, which prevent it d...
Rustins Danish Oil - 5L
Rustin's Danish oil gives an oil finish, suitable for all types of wood. It differs from Teak Oil in that it contains special ingredients, which prevent it d...
Rustins Button Polish - 250ml
Button polish is suitable for french polishing wood where a more orange or golden tone is required and is suitable for sealing wood before waxing.When applie...
Rustins Button Polish - 125ml
BUTTON POLISH - Manufactured from refined shellac dissolved in industrial alcohol. More orange in appearance than French polish. Contains 1x Button Polish 12...
Rustins Exterior Wood Oil - 500ml
Rustins Quick Dry Exterior Wood Oil is a unique water-based blend of natural plant oils and other special ingredients which nourish and protect all types of ...
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