Cuprinol Garden Shades Exterior Woodcare - Old English Green 2.5L
Garden & DIY,Home Improvements,Painting & Decorating ,Outdoor Paints and Stains,Garden & DIY,Home Improvements,Shop by Brand,Cuprinol
Cuprinol Garden Shades gives beautiful long-lasting colour and weatherproof protection to all garden wood (including garden furniture and decking). The attractive colours and opaque matt finish have been specially formulated to complement the natural colours in the garden and allow the texture of the woodgrain to show through. Ideal for decorating fences, sheds, garden furnitutre, and decking.
Cuprinol Garden Shades may be applied by brush, or for extra convenience (particularly on larger areas) sprayed on. For accurate, even spraying use only with the Cuprinol Fence Sprayer or Cuprinol Power Sprayer.
It is water based and harmless to plants and pets.
CUPGSOEG25L Garden Shades has the following specifications:Colour: Old English GreenSize: 2.5 Litre
With over 75 years of woodcare expertise, Cuprinol woodcare treatments are the bestyou can use. At Cuprinol they know how important it is to treat your garden wood, asleaving it untreated causes the wood to lose its colour and good looks. They regularly testthe performance of their wood treatments against the elements, so that they can continue toprovide the best performing products and the highest quality finishes.
Cuprinol has developed a premium product range to address all the needs of your hardand softwood decking and garden furniture. Old wood can be brought back to life withthe Cuprinol cleaners and Cuprinol restorers and then colour injected with Cuprinolstains and Cuprinol finishes. You can also protect your decking and garden furniture innatural colours with Cuprinol teak and hardwood oils that use special wax enrichedformulation to enhance the natural beauty of the wood.
Cuprinol leads the wood preserver market offering quality products that penetrate intothe wood to prevent rot and decay. Wood is totally protected against the weather andstays looking its best. With a range of clear and coloured products Cuprinol is theoptimum choice to care for your garden wood.
The Cuprinol range also includes treatments protecting against rot and insect attacks aswell as woodfillers that have been designed to flex with the natural movement of woodideal for use on windows, skirting boards and other wood surfaces around the home.This Cuprinol treatments and repairs range makes repairing wood indoors and outdoorseasier and long lasting.
In a demanding market Cuprinol proves year on year that it is the leader in innovation.Its biggest success was the introduction of the Cuprinol Fence Sprayer and CuprinolSprayable in 2005 and the next generation of the Cuprinol Power Sprayer andCuprinol Sprayable Plus. With this Cuprinol has transformed the fence and shedtreatment market offering the fastest and easiest way to treat garden wood.And that is not all. Whatever your style, there's a Garden or Heritage Shades colourthat's just right for you. Leading the way in garden colour Cuprinol offers a choice of 23colours that enable anyone to get creative offering a quick and easy way to inject colour,vibrancy and personality into any exterior space.
So whether it's your fence, decking, garden furniture or any other garden building thatneeds attention Cuprinol has the right product to help preserve, protect, restore orenhance all you garden wood.