Levington Fish Blood & Bone Multi Purpose Plant Food 3.5kg
- Multipurpose plant food
- Easy to use pellets
- Child and pet friendly
New Levington® Fish, Blood & Bone Multi Purpose Plant Food is a soil supplement that provides all the necessary nutrition for more fruits and flowers around the garden.
Can be used all around the garden: Bedding plants, flowers, bushes, trees and conifers, fruit and vegetables.
Use every time you are preparing the soil for planting. Sprinkle evenly over the soil and mix in well. Water well after planting out, especially in dry weather.
For small or bare-rooted plants in beds, borders and vegetable plots apply when preparing the soil for planting. Sprinkle evenly over the soil and mix in well. Water well after planting out, especially in dry weather.
For bigger, well-rooted plants, bushes and trees mix with soil or compost and use as planting mix. Water well afterwards.
During the growing season, sprinkle evenly over the soil around plants. Gently work it into the soil surface with a hand fork or hoe without disturbing the plant roots and water in thoroughly.
Coverage area
Bedding plants and strawberries: 50g per m².
Vegetable plots and cut flower beds: 75g per m².
Tomatoes: 50g per plant.
Planting shrubs and trees: 50-100g per plant.
Plants in containers Mix 50g per 10 litres of compost.